Why this Blog?

Shortly after my 12 year old nephew was diagnosed with Diabetes 1, I started this blog for he and his mother. There is so much to learn and so much to know and so many unanswered questions. My hope is that it provides a place for knowledge and healing. To your health nephew!
Love Always-

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Schwarzenegger touts healthcare plan, takes GOP to task again (Los Angeles Times)

In a candid session with The Times, he also predicts that Giuliani will be the Republican nominee for president. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said Wednesday that a healthcare overhaul would not be derailed by "Mickey Mouse"-type concerns about covering illegal immigrants. He also compared California's Republican Party to an obese person in denial, and predicted that Rudolph W. Giuliani would be ...


[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for Diabetes for young people]

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