Why this Blog?

Shortly after my 12 year old nephew was diagnosed with Diabetes 1, I started this blog for he and his mother. There is so much to learn and so much to know and so many unanswered questions. My hope is that it provides a place for knowledge and healing. To your health nephew!
Love Always-

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Flu shot can be life-saver, health experts say (The Greenville News)

To get a flu shot or not, that is the question. For some people, there is no question. People like Betty Ann Riggins, a nurse and mother of two teenagers, gets the shot every year. The Easley resident said she also makes sure her children get the flu shot. Then there is her husband, Mike. He never gets a flu shot.


[Source: Yahoo! News Search Results for Diabetes for young people]

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